Rose Quartz (dark) Bracelet

35.00 CHF40.00 CHF

The Rose quartz is a stone of love, tenderness and inner peace. It is believed that rose quartz helps to accept oneself and others as they are, promotes openness to beauty, creativity, life and love. Also promotes sincerity, sensitivity to others, teaches forgiveness, joy and love. Provides peace in chaotic and critical situations. Rose quartz is also great for children. Invigorates their creativity and imagination, promotes their physical and emotional development.

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SKU: Bracelet-Rose-Quartz-Dark Category: Tags: ,


Keywords: Inner peace. Love. Creativity. Beauty.

Rose Quartz:

– Calms arrogance, demands and associated tensions, anger, righteousness.
– Liberation from excessive concern.
– Heals wounds of the heart, gives peace in chaotic situations.
– Encourages openness to beauty, life and love.
– Protects against all kinds of radiation.
– Calms and relaxes the environment, infusing it with vibrations of gentleness and love.
– Used for partnership relations, love magic.

What is Rose Quartz particularly recommended for?

  • Those who do not know how to accept themselves and others.
  • Those who need to learn to love themselves.
  • Those who are afraid to express their talents and abilities for fear of ridicule and judgment.
  • Those who have not experienced the warmth of a parental home.
  • Those who are constantly stressed and do not know how to relax.
  • Those who do not know how to forgive, are constantly embarrassed or want revenge.
  • Young children, as it encourages their emotional and physical development.
  • Those who are not lacking in pride.
  • Those who have no friends or lose them quickly.
  • For lonely people.

Additional information

Weight 26 g
Bead Width N/A

Hardness of the mineral 7 based on Mohs scale


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Rose Quartz (Dark)

Rose Quartz (dark) Bracelet

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