About Us

We are just freshly cooked small local e-shop, that was created from huge passion to natural gemstones and hobby to make some jewellery on our own.
We are thankful for your visit and we hope that you will enjoy our variety of hand made bracelets, necklaces, earrings or hand made natural soaps, that we proudly created over the long autumn evenings.

Est. 2021

Our Story

Everything has started in 2021 – with the first attempt, while studying oriental astrology and learning about gemstone effect to a human beings, to make a bracelet from the gemstones on our own. And.. we did it – first crystal bracelet was crafted.  The bracelet looked decent and well made and so we decided to make another few which were noticed by our friends that later encouraged us to create more bracelets for them. One by one, we started to get noticed and so decided to launch this small e-shop willing that maybe more people will like what we do!

The web page is still in development phase and we plan to officially launch it from the first of January, 2025.

Stay tuned


Team of Spells Of The Moon

As there is a saying that “One in the field is not a warrior”, we are a team of two people – me, Viktorija and my husband Sarunas.

Viktorija G.

Founder of the brand

Sarunas G.

Trying to do my best for this site 🙂

Our shop clients

Counting our happy clients

Here we will have a count of the customers that already had some business with us. Every time you will register as a new client we will count you here as our friend.


Happy customers

That many people already purchased in our web shop

Our sales

Our e-shop turnover

Every time you buy something in our small e-shop we will always add it to the count of total items sold. Kindly please help us to increment this number 🙂


Items sold

That many items have been sold till now

Core Values

We believe in power of natural gemstones, we value small businesses and hand made production. This combination inspired us to start our own small e-shop where we want to spread our passion to natural products with all of You!

Sorting the trash

We care about environment and sort the waste we generate during the artworks

We try to be digital

We like digital receipts over the paper ones

Sharing is caring

We are happy if you share a good word about us!