Three easiest ways to clean your crystals
Crystals often travel long distances, from source to seller, before a purchase is made. If you buy a stone from a store, or receive one from someone, it’s a good idea to cleanse all the energy that the stone may have picked up on its journey. In cleansing its energy, you prepare it for a new life and purpose in its new home. Cleansing a stone means removing the energy that it has absorbed and return pure energy to it.
“Crystals are like sponges. They absorb energy, both positive and negative. Cleaning them helps to release any stagnant or low vibrations they may have picked up, allowing them to function at their highest level.”
Spells Of The Moon
The first (and some say easiest) way to cleanse a stone is to smudge it with sage. You must light a stick of sage and blow it out to keep it smoldering, producing a steady stream of smoke (like incense) and don’t forget to hold the crystal directly in the smoke plume and let the smoke rise from all sides of the crystal. You must not do it too long. The saying “the more – is better” does not fit there. Five minutes is more than enough. Or keep doing this until you feel you have cleaned enough. Cleaning in this way makes no risk of discoloration or damage of the stones during the process.

You may also clean the stone with running water. Water is the essence of life, nothing living can survive very long without it. So, it is believed that water will neutralise any negative energy stored inside the stone and return it back to the earth. The natural running water works best but you can also rinse the stone under the tap (but without the soap). The stone must be completely submerged in water. After that you must dry it for approximately 1 minute per stone. This must be done for hard stones (as per crystal exerts, minerals that are 6 or above on the Moh’s Hardness Scale are safe to go in water, e.g. like quartz). Please do not use this method for stones that are fragile or soft (e.g., selenite, kyanite, howlite, hematite, fluorite, malachite, pyrite, celestine, turquose, opal, gypsum, apophyllite, azurite, ulexite, lepidolite, etc.).

The stones can be cleaned in an unusual way, i.e., using brown rice to bring out negativity in a safe and isolated environment. This method is especially useful for protective stones (e.g., black tourmaline). Fill a bowl with dry brown rice and bury the stone under the grains. The rice must not be used afterwards; it must be disposed immediately after cleaning, as it will destroy the absorbed energy. The stone must rest in rice for about 24 hours. It can be used for any stone.
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